Strategic change is a trade-off between an existing reality and a vision that does not yet exist. We believe that humans are the major success factor of strategic projects, and we know, that in general, humans are risk adverse. If strategic change is perceived as a risk and not as an opportunity by your team, the implementation of your strategic change project will probably fail. Good leadership is a part of the solution but won’t do it alone as strategic change projects require answers to complete new questions: Who gets involved in the project and when? How can you exploit at best for your project the internal collective know-how? How can your organisation manage simultaneously change and ordinary business? What is the right speed for your strategic change project? How do you maximise internal support and reduce concerns and change resistances? How…

Of course, learning by doing works also for strategic change, but to learn from mistakes can be very costly.

We are a group of passioned experts, capable of understanding how it feels to be a CEO or executive responsible for a major strategic change project. Prior to become consultants, we all managed strategic change as CEOs or executives of companies of organisations of different types and sizes. Our mission is to help our customers in getting strategic change done, as fast as possible and successfully. We work with the Act!Affinity methodology in all our strategic change projects, but our role in the project, defined with our customers, may be very different. Consulting, management, coaching, for a week of for more than a year, all our strategic change projects have one thing in common: the human, with its concerns and aspirations is always in the centre of our thoughts, strategies and services!

And almost all our successful customer relations have something else in common, they all started with a simple information request or call …  

Painting “Abbraccio” by Antonella Vitali